Employee Appreciation Day

The Helens

The Helens

Employee Appreciation Day – is this a thing now??

Apparently so.

Our advice is that you appreciate your employees every working day of the year, but if you’re the type of business who embraces the opportunity to eat cake and celebrate for no real reason, here are some things you could do to make your employees feel even more warm and fuzzy than they usually do:

  • Half a day off – additional annual leave is always a welcome perk. Just make sure you have a plan in place for your entire work force to be off at the same time.
  • Guest Speaker – doesn’t have to be work related, although we wouldn’t advise a comedian – the risk of offending someone is way too high.
  • Silent Disco – much like karaoke, the thought of it makes you want to scratch your eyes out, until you start doing it then there’ll be no stopping you or your team.
  • Awards – we’re not in primary school so there’s no need to give everyone one.
  • Lunch – arrange for lunch to be brought in – make sure you cater for every single dietary requirement. It might be easier just to give them cash to buy their own.

Quite honestly, the most effective way to make sure your employees feel appreciated isn’t by carrying out any of the above, it’s by carrying out the following:

  • Meet with each employee regularly (at least every 2 weeks) to discuss their workload, challenges and any assistance they may need;
  • Provide positive feedback as and when appropriate – this will require you having knowledge of exactly what they’re doing;
  • Be flexible when needed – perhaps an employee is having an unusually tricky time personally – be patient, talk to them about it and find out how the business can help;
  • Talk to them about any changes to the business – make them feel like they’re part of the business not just paid workers;
  • Ask for feedback – this is the most effective way of finding out how happy your employees really are. Make sure you act on the feedback.

Helen and I are off for our weekly catch up. In the pub. Because that’s where we feel most appreciated.

Need any HR advice? Get in touch – thehelens@complexhr.co.uk

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