What is the Access to Work scheme?

The Helens

The Helens

Clients often ask how they can assist employees achieve their contractual duties, when they are diagnosed with a medical condition.

In addition to the standard meetings regarding reasonable adjustments, we advise they speak to the employee about the Government’s Access to Work Scheme.

The scheme is employee led and aims to help disabled employees start or stay in work.

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help disabled employees:

  • start work
  • stay in work
  • move into self-employment or start a business

The amount of grant depends on the circumstance and does not have to be paid back.

So, what’s on offer?

Access to Work can help pay for support employees may need because of their diagnosed disability or health condition, for example:

  • equipment in the workplace
  • money towards any extra travel costs to and from work if the employee can’t use available public transport
  • an interpreter or other support at a job interview if you have difficulty communicating

Employees may need to provide proof of costs, for example for taxi fares.

Mental Health

To be eligible for an Access to Work grant, the diagnosed mental health condition must affect the ability of the employee to carry out their contractual duties.

If the employee has a diagnosed mental health condition, they may be offered assistance to develop a support plan. This may include steps to support them to return to work and suggestions for reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

Examples of a support plan:

  • flexible working patterns to accommodate changes in mood and impact of medication
  • providing additional time to complete certain tasks
  • providing training
  • regular meetings between the employee and their manager to talk about the concerns
  • a phased return to work, such as reduced hours or fewer days


Employees can apply for Access to Work if they:

  • are a resident of Great Britain
  • have a disability or health condition that means they need an aid or adaptation to achieve their contractual duties
  • have a diagnosed mental health condition that requires assistance in order to achieve their contractual obligations.

Importantly, the application process for an Access to Work grant must be initiated and managed by the employee. If approved, employers work with the Access to Work team to agree an effective plan to assist the employee in carrying out their contractual duties.

If you need any advice or support with Access to Work or any other HR related topics, please do get in touch.


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