It’s The Big 3!

The Helens

The Helens

It’s our 3rd Anniversary on 7 September. We’re still here. Yay! We’ve not fallen out with each other (alot). A big Yay. And we’re working with some fantastic clients. A massive yay! Which is the icing on the doughnut.

It’s been a steep learning curve – ‘Business Development’ – what’s that? Accounting? ‘Er, hello does that involve spreadsheets? And networking. Lots and lots of networking (some of which actually makes for a great night out).

And above all, ‘the Other Helen’ has had to learn to be at least civilised to Monty the Office Dog.

After the expected process of trial and error, we’ve found our niche – which we’ve always known is critical to our business. Keeping our eye on this isn’t always easy, especially when there are so many great potential clients out there, but we know we need to stay focused to maintain our level of service.

And then there’s ComplexHR Carshare. We’d like to say it provides alternative views on current affairs and sparks political debate but actually it’s just us talking utter nonsense on our journeys to clients.

We’re providing both retained and ad-hoc employment advice to smaller businesses who don’t require full-time support. We minimise their risk of employment tribunals and provide commercial solutions to their people problems.

And let’s be honest, which business wants an over paid, under-experienced HR Director bleeding their business dry when they can have The Helens?

Thank you to all our clients and business contacts who’ve supported us along the way. You know who you are.

Helen and I will be celebrating our anniversary in October in Manchester – just the two of us. We’re too irresponsible on a night out to invite clients. But we promise to take pictures. Watch this space.

P.s And thank you to Helen for setting up the business with me. She doesn’t like any soppy stuff so I’ll keep it quick. You can be grumpy but with coffee and food you’re ace.

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